19th SWS Europe Chapter Conference
Wetlands across timescales
JUNE 24th - 26th 2024, GONIĄDZ, POLAND


This 19th Society Wetland Scientists Europe Chapter Meeting will be organised in Goniądz (Poland), in the heart of Biebrza Marshes, where Bartlowizna Conference and Leisure Centre will host us.

How to get there?

Although Goniadz is quite far away from international transport hubs, it can be relatively easily reached by foreign travellers. It is located about 50 km north-west of the regional capital Bialystok and 200 km north-east of the Polish capital Warsaw. The nearest international airports, apart from the two in Warsaw, are Olszyn-Mazury (150 km) and Kaunas in Lithuania (220 km). However, only the two Warsaw airports are well served by public transport. There are two direct train connections from Warsaw’s main railway station to Osowiec, the nearest railway station (7 km from the venue; we will offer lifts between Osowiec station and Goniadz based on an earlier notice by mail or phone), and four other connections that require a change to a regional train in Białystok. The journey from Warsaw takes 3-4 hours. There will probably be more train connections during the summer period. If you are travelling on your own, please check https://rozklad-pkp.pl/en in advance. There are also direct bus connections from Białysok (https://www.pksnova.pl/pl/polaczenia), which take just over an hour.

As some of you may find it difficult to get to the venue, we offer to organise a shuttle bus directly from Warsaw (Chopin Airport and Central Railway Station) on Sunday (23.06.2024) 16:00 and back on Wednesday (26.06.2024) afternoon, but the number of places is limited. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please send your travel details to swseurope24@bagna.pl.

Exact location of the venue: 53.491859 N, 22.739315 E